Police Are Like a Box of Chocolates
Not my work, but too perfect not to share. Now, can anyone explain how this situation was handled reasonably, or how the end result should not be any different? Reading up on this topic, I came across an upcoming documentary titled Of Dogs and Men that explains the systematic, unapologetic killing of pets by US […]
Our Nuclear War
Seventy years ago today, even after leaders knew the war was won, roughly 50,000 innocent people died instantly at the hands of the US military. In the following months, roughly 100,000 additional humans suffered prolonged, gruesome deaths in Hiroshima, and tens of thousands more would die similarly in Nagasaki. If we are to consider our […]
The Hunt for Walter Palmer
And like a poached lion, Walter Palmer has discovered himself trapped by better-equipped forces, singled out into the open. Let me first clarify that in no way do I wish Walter a long traumatic death – followed, perhaps, by routine skinning and decapitation – or any sort of violence on him at all, and I […]
Add “Emanuel”, or “Charleston”, or “____” to the List
The Five Ws of tragedy will change, but little else will – that is, until we recognize our connection to all tragedies and change our beliefs and behaviors accordingly. To respect men but not women. To side with one race but not others. To embrace love but not for everyone. To pray for Charleston but […]
The Wire, Revisited
Regarding Baltimore, here’s David Simon, the mastermind behind HBO’s The Wire, talking about America at a conference in Australia in 2013. The conference being “The Pop Up Festival of Dangerous Ideas”. In referencing “the brick”, Simon, in essence, predicts the Baltimore riots two years before they happen. (His speech is 25 minutes; a Q & […]
Eulogy for Jane Rule
Thank you all for being here, and thank you to all of those who’ve helped make this possible. Mom knew many of you personally, therefore you have some guess as to how much she loved you. I’m sure she loved you more than you know. Also – I can say with absolute confidence – that for those of […]
On My Mother’s Passing
To clarify recent events, Mom passed away on Tuesday around 5:30 AM. Having now witnessed the passing of my two best friends, I can attest to “a peaceful death” being a misleading notion, though I can state, thankfully, that in her final moments I do not believe she suffered consciously. For Mom, eight years of […]
Election Day 2014
This sums up US politics rather nicely. Polls showing 90% of residents in favor of said initiative. A casino billionaire from another state finances 85% of counter-campaign. Referendum garners only 58% of vote, just failing to meet the state’s arbitrary “super-majority” of 60%. All for an initiative to expand the comfort of dying people. The […]
Give ‘Em Hugs While You Can
Stink was trampled by a horse on Saturday night – it just happened out of nowhere, as horrible accidents often do. Despite the shock, and all the howling and pain, he managed to survive, and I’m thrilled, to put it mildly, that he’s suffered only a bad limp. We’re learning and we’re lucky – we […]
On the Third Anniversary of My Father’s Passing
Many of you still ask about my dad, so here’s his obituary, penned by my marvelous sister, Lauren. Actually this image represents the outside pages of the funeral program that we put together. Lauren and I did things as a team then and we still do. Dad would love that. Losing him provides us with […]