Add “Emanuel”, or “Charleston”, or “____” to the List

Posted by on Jun 18, 2015
Add “Emanuel”, or “Charleston”, or “____” to the List

The Five Ws of tragedy will change, but little else will – that is, until we recognize our connection to all tragedies and change our beliefs and behaviors accordingly. To respect men but not women. To side with one race but not others. To embrace love but not for everyone. To pray for Charleston but not Iraq.

Sandy Hook, Darfur, Utøya, Boston, Columbine, Colfax, Syria, East Timor, The Holocaust, Manifest Destiny: thumbtacks on a graph that reveals how humans have continued to look past their own actions to find fault in others, caring deeply for others only after tragedy hits our news feeds, or when devastation impacts our day-to-day lives.

Bettering ourselves remains the best place to start.

Much love to those mourning tonight, in Charleston and everywhere else.