On My Mother’s Passing

Having now witnessed the passing of my two best friends, I can attest to “a peaceful death” being a misleading notion, though I can state, thankfully, that in her final moments I do not believe she suffered consciously.
For Mom, eight years of medical battles came to an abrupt end, prefaced by hope of another recovery, concluding with several difficult, blurry days that she somehow masked with her usual tenderness, selflessness, smiles, and grace. In these last days she accepted death and in life she cared for everyone – not just those she met – with unimaginable power. Her example as a mother and a person was everything I’ve needed and far more than I’ve deserved. She embodied the unconditional. I miss her uncontrollably. I’ll never miss her enough.
To those who’ve reached out already I apologize for being slow to respond. Thank you all for the support and for giving so much joy and meaning to her life, whether you’ve realized it or not.