Election Day 2014
Polls showing 90% of residents in favor of said initiative. A casino billionaire from another state finances 85% of counter-campaign. Referendum garners only 58% of vote, just failing to meet the state’s arbitrary “super-majority” of 60%. All for an initiative to expand the comfort of dying people. The selfishness, hypocrisy, and corruption of this situation is practically unbelievable, yet perfectly believable because it’s US politics.
US politics is an awful joke: money buys everything, especially candidates and freedom, and most of our leaders are pathological liars who never admit wrongdoing.
While it’s absurd to believe we have a functioning democracy, voting for the lesser of two evils is still important.
So go and vote for the lesser of two evils.
Then, in the two years before next elections, question how democratic our system actually is.